Friday, November 20, 2009

Harley is Pregnant

Harley is pregnant! She had her first ultrasound today and the doctor said she has at least FIVE and maybe more. We just hope and pray all are healthy puppies and make it full term. Sometimes bulldogs "reabsorb" their puppies if something is wrong with one. We don't want to lose any of them and want Harley to be okay too. Mugsy is on track too. Her puppies will gain 75% of their weight this week. She's going to get huge. She's already big and I'm watching her carefully. She eats extra chicken and rice with her kibble now and takes her Folic Acid every day to prevent birth defects. All fingers and toes crossed her due date is December 4th. Harley's is December 20th. What a wonderful Christmas it will be~

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Here are a few recent photos of Tank taken this week

Harley takes such cute pictures. She is so photogenic. She loves to sleep on our couch and curl up there. I love her eyes, they are so expressive.


Here are some pictures of Mugsy that Craig took in the last few days. You can't really see that she is pregnant but we can tell. She sleeps a lot and is so slow when she walks around. She's such a sweet gentle girl to begin with so she's even more so now. Mugsy is an amazing puppy and we are so excited to see her babies!!


Monday, November 9, 2009

Uma on Halloween

Taz & Tank's little girl, Uma, dressed up on Halloween. She is 8 months old.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Gracie on Halloween

Hi Adele,

I finally got a home computer and have been busy putting a few photos of Gracie on it. I thought I would send you a couple. She is so adorable and sweet in her princess costume - the center of attention as always. In the spring we traveled to South Carolina - road trip - Gracie did great and loved every minute of it. We were in Denver for about 7 days at the hospital and my sister flew out from South Carolina just to come take care of her. We don't know what we would have done without her. Gracie has such a sweet disposition and loves everyone. Everyone who meets her just loves her too.

Hope you like the photos!!!

Take care

Rhonda Higginst

The O'Donnell family bred their Ali with Tank in 2008 and this picture is of Ali and four of their babies:

This is only 4 of the babies, and mama who is in the green collar to the right. White is Fizzy who is mine, behind her is Captain and next to him is his sister Rose (they both went to one family) and the other boy in the front left is Dakota who went home to a Marine. We get to see them all the time. Lucy (who was my prima-donna-and not pictured) will spend Christmas with us. The only ones I have not seen since they went home is Spot (the all white with the spot on his tail) and Domino (which was the last to leave of the group-which we would of kept since he was awesome! He went to a family at 5 months old) Other than that, we see all 5 of them all the time. We love it. I was on your web yesterday, and seeing them as babies again, oh my gosh, I can’t wait until Fizz is ready to have babies, even though it is SO much work, it is SO worth it.

Take care,
Michele O'Donnell

Monday, November 2, 2009

Baby Mugsy on Halloween

Hi Adele,

As you can see, Mugsy got with the Halloween theme as well. She greeted the Tricker Treaters at the door and then went tricker treating with the grandkids. She loves the snow and is quite the character.
Wishing you the best for the upcoming Holiday you will be busy with the new puppies.

Sandy and Jim

Minnie & Button

Here are two of our darling puppies from Taz and Tank's Spring litter. Minnie and Button who were both adopted by the Cooper family and that means they get to grow up together! We were thrilled when that happened. It's always so hard to let the babies go but just to know two of them would stay together was beyond amazing to us. They both look like mommy Tazzie and we think it just doesn't get any cuter than this! Thanks Scott for the photos and keep em coming!!!!


Mugsy is Expecting!

Last Friday Mugsy had her ultrasound and it was confirmed she is pregnant and will be due the last week of November. I'm so excited to see those babies! She's been sleepy and eats all the time so hopefully this time she'll stay pregnant and deliver some cute little baby bulldogs!!! For now we are waiting and taking good care of her. Who are we kidding here Mugsy is ALWAYS taken good care of! hahahaha I'm so happy to have a litter coming. I've missed the babies and the joy they bring into our lives. Harley gets her ultrasound in a week or so and we might just have TWO litters to spoil!!!
