Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Update on Winnie


I'm so excited about your next litter! I'm sure they will be beautiful puppies. I'm part of a bully breed play group and I took Winnie to her first play date a couple of days ago. She LOVED it and was defiantly the class clown. I can't tell you how many compliments I got on her...there were a bunch of English bulls but she stood out above the rest. I told everybody where I got her but I would love if I had some of your business cards to hand out. I'm going to upload some recent pics of her and I'll get them sent out today or tomorrow. She's doing really well and is as athletic as can be! I still take her to Petsmart every Sat and she loves all the attention she gets. She also loves car rides!

I recently bought a bunny (Holland lop) and he's a cutie. My cat and the bunny are buddies but I'm nervous about letting Winnie loose around him. She's around the cage all the time...I was wondering if you have any advice on introducing them.
I'd love to hear how your dogs are doing....I'll talk to you soon.

Love Kristen and Wiinie :)

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