Friday, January 22, 2010

Goodbye to Lilly, Oliver, Biggie & Mello

Craig watching TV with Mello and Lilly
All the kids playing together

Four of our babies leave us today. Achilles and Vixen are still with us for a few more weeks. We still have Harley's litter to finish raising too for two more weeks. Harley's babies are more active and animated every day. We do the tea cup pictures of them this weekend. I can't believe it's already time to let Mugsy's puppies go. This is the hard part for me. After all this time I hand them over and feel a little piece of my hearts leaves me. All the worry and all the work has been so worth it though. They are perfect and beautiful. I know what these puppies are worth, they are priceless. It's especially hard since this is the last litter for Harley and most likely Mugsy too. I knew we couldn't be bulldog breeders forever. There are only so many litters a female can have and unless you sell the mothers off after they can no longer produce you're done after three. So it's what it is. We're good at this and produce some of the most beautiful puppies out there but Harley and Mugsy are our kids and we always knew that one day it would be time to stop for them. They did a great job and both of them are amazing little mamas.


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