Monday, June 22, 2009

Getting to know her family

Taz giving some good hugs to her daddy Neil

Playing outside

In her new bed

Going for a walk with Jasper, Wyatt and Whitney
Taz & Jasper


Thank you so much for your kind words. Yes Tazzie is very much spoiled and loved. We had the most wonderful Father's Day yesterday thanks to her! We had such a fun time shopping for all her essentials. Wyatt even took along his own money to buy her some toys himself.

She has made a very smooth adjustment. The first night she got up a few times and was restless, but I was constantly up with her and assuring her, trying to make her feel secure and comfortable. Last night was perfect - she slept like a baby the entire time. Her favorite spot is on our bed, between Neil and I stretched from our knees to our feet.

Our little family feels so normal and "just right" with Tazzie - as if it was meant to be. She follows me around from room to room and takes naps either at my feet or in her little green bed in the living room. Jasper has a new spark thanks to her, and the two of them get along fantastically.

We have an appointment with Dr. Tom for Friday. Her vitamins are on the way and she's been eating her bulldog food just fine. We've been using Puperronis as her treat (Jasper now seems to like them as well) when praciting our "good manners." When you come over you'll have to show me the signs and words you use for her different behaviors - I want to be as consistent as possible.

I've sent a few more photos. enjoy.

My heart is filled with thanks,

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