Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Going Car Car

I have to laugh whenever I look at this picture of my big guy, Tank. He looks like a huge gargoyle and he's at full attention! One thing he does that is so cute, and I love to do this to him because he's a nut when he hears it, is say the words, "Tank, wanna go car car?" He jumps out of his skin he is so excited to go for a ride in the car. I took him with me last night when I drove my daughter Taryn to school. She takes a class at the college every Tuesday night and it's nice to have Tank with me. I feel so much more secure with a big old bulldog riding shotgun. He stands in the middle of the two seats with his feet on the console so he's up high enough to check things out and see everything. When I ask him if he wants to go car car and he's in the back of the house he'll run so fast to the garage door that he slides half way down and does a full "Kramer" into the wall before he gets to the door. Now THAT is excitement!!! I giggle even now thinking about it. I promise I'll get it on video and post it on here. It's the funniest thing you'll ever see.


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