Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Love Sponges

Today I'm starting a blog just for my English Bulldogs. I want to be able to offer more information to those who visit Tank'R Tots and this is an excellent way to do that on a daily basis. Every day I learn more about my dogs. With four of them it seems lessons are on the horizon constantly! They are teaching me more than facts and when a dog can refine your own personality it's a magical connection that benefits everyone. I've always been a dog person and so has Craig. That was one of the things that attracted us to each other. Our love for animals. He excitedly told me about English Bulldogs when we met. I just always thought they were "mean" dogs because of how they looked. Was I ever WRONG!! They are huge cuddly teddy bears!!! They have no idea how big they are and think they are lap dogs for life. They slobber and kiss you all over and want nothing more in life than to be with you. I have one of them touching me at all times. They lean against you or sit on your foot or look at you with those expressive eyes asking for a hug or a kiss. They are little "kids" who can't get enough love. Love sponges I call them. So this is the start of my Blog about my four fuzzy kids. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.

1 comment:

Roxann said...

I absolutely loved this new website that you created for your bulldogs. I loved reading your new blog and look forward to reading more! Take care and see you soon Adele!